Friday, May 7, 2010

What really matter

Many things in the world today, good and bad, are caused by the acts of human beings. With our knowledge we alter the status quo, making places better to live in, making cars drive better while consuming less gas and many more such instances. On the other hand we also are responsible in cutting down trees, polluting rivers, spilling oils and many more such instances as well.

It is interesting to see that today we see many people, organizations, nations etc.doing their best to reverse the damages which have already occurred, and how they are saving the forest, the waters, having green initiatives and again, many more of such examples.

It is also an interesting observation that this is analogous to a river with one human throwing rubbish at one end and another human collecting it at the other.

The problem here, is mankind.

We may have a better mental faculty as we grow older, but the rate and affinity to new ideas and the absorption rate may not. Children and youths on the other hand, are more ready to embrace new ideas, but they have little reference or experience to challenge them even if they want to.

Education should be the forefront of all nation. The education should at the minimum include critical reasoning alongside worldly knowledge. The moral values must be instilled with very strong sense of "why's" and not just being another subject "taught" in school. Having compassion without wisdom is equally damaging as having no compassion at all, so we must teach our children why it is good to be good.

Children are the leaders of the future. When we have more and more of them coming up in life, each having the spirit of genuine competition without envy, we can only have a level of public debate never before seen ever. The older generations will have a tougher time swallowing this "next-gen" pills, but it is vital to understand this is necessary for the larger benefits to all in the future. One can't really masquerade ignorance or anger with the cleverness of masked kindness. And this is what is so appealing, it's almost foolproof. Can we understand now why it is so important to be ourselves? If we are comfortable in our own skin, and what we portray is what we want to see ourselves in, honestly, genuinely, then what or who can bring us down? The problem is, we behave differently in public than in private. We really think no one is looking when we are alone, don't we?

Nevertheless, this could not happen if we do not have the physical capability to carry the body around, to speak, to write, to see etc. We need to have a health-care system so freakishly good no one will need to ever worry any longer about having any kind of illnesses. Medical knowledge and facilities should be shared thoroughly throughout, countries should not be defined by borders anymore; well there should not be countries to begin with. There isn't a year with no war, and these borders are the result of wars.

Having healthy, happy and virtuous children, what more can the world ask for?